agriculture romania

The Complexities of Buying Farmland in Romania

Romania's agricultural sector has long been an attractive prospect for investors, both domestic and foreign. However, recent legislative changes have transformed the landscape for purchasing farmland in this Eastern European nation. This post will guide you through the evolving regulations, challenges, and opportunities in Romania's agricultural real estate market. At the end you have the possibility to look at some offers.


Een boerderij en landbouwgrond kopen in Roemenie

Evolutie van eigendomsrechten op landbouwgronden in Roemenië

Tot voor kort was het relatief eenvoudig om landbouwgrond in Roemenië te kopen, met wetten die beperkingen oplegden aan buitenlands eigendom in strijd met de grondwet. Toch is de situatie nu veranderd, aangezien een lange reeks wetgeving landbouwgrond roemenie wijzigingen, waarschijnlijk beginnend met Wet 175/2020, een nieuw kader heeft gecreëerd.


New law from 13 October 2020 in place in Romania for foreigners on buying agricultural land.


New provisions on the sale of farmland located outside of the buildable areas is installed as per 13 October 2020.

As per 13 October, the foreigners can still buy agricultural land if they buy a company via a share deal. Other transactions are not possible any more for foreigners. Romania has put as single European country a limit for European citizens and other foreigners. Not very correct towards the citizens of Europe in my opinion.

Digital Due Diligence (DD) and Pre-DD performed on 1700 hectares agricultural land and a farm by PBS in Romania


After selling large plots of agricultural land during 2003-2007 we shifted from sales to due diligence and used our expertise to evaluate farms and agricultural land in Romania. Since then we performed a due diligence almost every year in a classical way. We also used our expertise for share deals with factories that were bought by investors as we active in Romania since 2003.