The European Parliament Energy and Environment Committees call for a 2030 binding target for renewables

The European Parliament Energy and Environment Committees call for a 2030 binding target for renewables

In a draft resolution adopted today, the European Parliament Committees on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) and on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) call for an ambitious and legally-binding 2030 target for renewable energies.

Brussels, 9 January 2014 – Members of the ITRE and ENVI Committees of the European Parliament today adopted a resolution calling the Council “to adopt and implement, for the EU 2030 climate and energy framework, a multi-faceted approach that is based on mutually-reinforcing, coordinated and coherent policies and ambitious binding targets on greenhouse gases emissions reduction, renewable energy sources and energy efficiency”. The European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA), which has been continuously advocating for strong and ambitious binding targets for renewables by 2030, very much welcomes this resolution. This vote also echoes a recent joint letter co-signed by eight Member States supporting a renewable energy target in EU’s 2030 climate and energy framework. This new signal from the European Parliament comes at a time when the Commission is finalising a set of proposals on the 2030 policy framework, which should be published on 22 January 2014. “The adoption of a legallybinding 2020 target proved to be a success story for Europe, and its replication for 2030 is increasingly supported” said Alexandre Roesch, EPIA Head of Regulatory Affairs. “A new binding target for renewables by 2030 would provide the needed visibility to foster new investments in the photovoltaic sector, while a volatile CO2 price signal alone would not be sufficient”, he continued.

This motion for resolution will be submitted to the plenary session of the European Parliament in February 2014. Heads of States and governments are then  expected to address energy issues at the March 2014 Summit.
